How to feel relief from anxiety and overwhelm

Using mindfulness with acupressure for emotional selfcare

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This masterclass is for you if you answer yes to any of these questions ...

  • Do you feel hopelessly consumed by worrying thoughts that playback constantly in your mind?
  • Are you overwhelmed from a constant barrage of stress & anxiety, that just feels relentless, and gives you no relief?
  • Do you wake up in the morning with your stomach in a knot from anxiety?
  • Is it possible that the way you’re currently dealing with stress, overwhelm & anxiety, is having a detrimental impact on your relationships with the people around you?

What if you could feel more harmony in yourself, and have that harmony flow on to your relationships with the important people in your life, in a really positive way?

Yes it’s possible!

This free 30 minute masterclass will help you feel an increase in peace and calmness, using some really simple methods, that are super easy to learn and follow.

It’s specifically tailored with acupressure points that are really effective for offering relief from anxiety and overwhelm.

  • You’ll be guided through a simple, and easy to learn routine incorporating mindfulness with acupressure, that will help you get in touch with a very deep sense of relaxation and peace.
  • You’ll have the opportunity to really savour a feeling of calmness, and experience some time in a peaceful space, where you can really take it in.
  • You’ll come away learning a simple method that you can use every day, no matter where you are, to transform your inner state to one that is more peaceful.

Imagine being able to tap into a feeling of inner peace and calmness, whenever you really needed it, no matter what’s going on around you.

Imagine being able to respond to your emotional stress in a way, so that it didn’t overpower you.

In this masterclass, you’ll learn a simple yet powerful way to:

  • Feel a deep and nurturing sense of inner peace
  • Restore harmony in your mind
  • Feel less affected by external pressures and influences
  • Feel more loving with yourself

By immersing yourself in this healing space, you’ll be assisted to:

  • Feel more uplifted
  • Feel a nurturing sense of calmness
  • Allow yourself to deeply relax

You don’t need any prior experience with mindfulness or acupressure.

You’ll be guided in a very simple way, so that by the end of the masterclass, you’ll feel a very positive shift in your mental and emotional wellbeing.

Watch the free recording now

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